Game Theory Primer for Macro Investors written by Brian Singer, CFA, the key-note speaker at the CFA Society Forecasting Dinner 2016 on 16 February
This Tuesday we had a pleasure to host Brian Singer, CFA, the Partner and Head of Dynamic Allocation Strategies Team at William Blair & Company, L.L.C, as the key-note speaker at the CFA Society Forecasting Dinner 2016. His thought-provoking lecture with the title "The Macro Asset Allocation "Game" - Is Game Theory Overtaking Finance?"unequivocally confirmed once again that economics is a social science as he was stressing many themes and key words which are not the prime focus for the great majority of finance and investment professionals, such as complex adaptive systems, geopolitics, strategic negotiations, game theory or time-series cointegration. Based on Brian's lecture it is totally obvious that to become a successful economist, investor or financial advisor in the long-term perspective it is by no means enough to be a master of Excel spread sheets. On the contrary you must abound also with a solid background in history, geopolitics, sociology and international relations. In his short paper from March 2013 Brian summarizes the game theory framework applied within the investment process of his Dynamic Allocation Strategies (DAS) team.
Enjoy the reading and let us know your comments! We wish you a nice weekend.
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